Sometimes in life, we get so overwhelmed by the enormity of our goals that we give up before we even start trying to achieve them. If our goal is to lose 100 lbs., that number may seem so large and so daunting, that it keeps us from even taking a first step into the gym. Or we may dream about being the CEO of a company, but just the thought of starting at the bottom and working our way up through the ranks seems almost impossible, so why even bother?
But God never intended for us to do everything at once. In fact, that’s not how He works through us either. God usually doesn’t reveal His whole plan to us from the get-go. He may give us a small piece of the vision or just give us a direction to follow, but we may not know the rest of the plan for quite a while, if ever. All He wants you to do is trust Him, have faith and take one step at a time.
As a life coach, you can help your clients to apply this same principle to their lives and the goals they want to achieve. How can they trust that each step forward creates opportunity, momentum? They don’t have to have everything all figured out at once or even be able to see the end picture in its entirety.
But what they do need to do is to keep moving forward.
God wants them (and you) to keep taking steps toward their goals and to listen for His guidance along the way.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” Psalm 32:8
What if you trusted God today to guide you on your path toward your goals?
What does “trusting God” really mean to you?