Christian Life Coach Training and Certification

Create “Grace” Space” for all your Coaching Clients

What exactly is Grace Space in coaching ? It is a phrase we use at Christian Coach Institute to describe how to give your clients the gift of silence and allow them to be in the moment with their thoughts, and  to hear from Holy Spirit. Silence is a very hard skill for most of us to maintain.  It is human nature to assume silence means we must speak to fill the the sometimes uncomfortable, awkward pause hanging in the air.

However, one of the best skills you can develop as a life coach is to slow down when asking your coaching client curious questions and give a generous portion of grace space to your client.

This of course, is much easier said then done. Along with most other coaching skills, you must practice! Let’s step through a few tips and techniques that helped me master and understand the power of grace and space. Keep in mind the ultimate goal is to be present and focused on your coaching client, not your next question or inserting a personal story.

Serve your Client FIRST!

At the Christian Coach Institute, this is one of the 1st surprise lessons students learn in our CPLC course. A life coach does not mean you provide answers, solutions nor drum up a give-and-take conversation. You are partnering with your client who hired you to listen and ask curious questions – curious questions that serve them on their journey of discovery. In other words, this is all about  your client, not you!

Silence is Powerful

When was the last time you made a huge transformational decision? Perhaps getting married, buying your home, moving into a new career. Did you make this decision during a light, casual conversation? Or did you take time, prayerful thought and discernment? I find silence, especially during prayer is sacred. It’s that slice of heaven that is created when you become so quiet, that God’s grace can be felt. The same powerful experience is available when you invite your client time to absorb your last question. By allowing your coaching client a safe, silent space, God’s grace begins to do it’s amazing job of transformation. And that is such a beautiful thing to witness your coaching client arrive at that 1st “A-HA” moment.


Practice “Grace Space”

The online definition of grace is to honor or credit to (someone or something) by one’s presence. I love the word honor. Honoring your client is one of the keys to successful coaching, and our staff wholeheartedly believes in at the Christian Coach Institute. Just as we honor Jesus as Christians through our actions, the same concept applies to how you can honor your client. Pray for discipline to just wait and allow Holy Spirit to do the work.  I actually imagine if I jump in too soon that I have just stepped on Holy Spirit’s toes and that is not a comfortable place for me to be. How about you?


“Pause, sit in silence for a few moments, invite Holy Spirit to do HIS work with the client.”  Janice LaVore-Fletcher, PCC


Wouldn’t you agree that ALL of us could use more Grace Space in this world? God so desperately wants to transform, heal and move each and every one of us forward. Give yourself Grace Space as well and trust Holy Spirit.  After all,  He is really doing the work in the moment…my role?  Well, sometimes the best coach is the coach who knows when to wait, and say nothing at all.

*How are you allowing grace space to your clients to process their emotions, and hear from the Holy Spirit? 

*How can you extend “grace space” to those in your own life?

What might be the impact in your own life if you gave yourself the gift of grace space?



Read more on the topic silence!

Grace Space is an invitation for the Holy Spirit to do His work with the client Share on X
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Janice LaVore-Fletcher, PCC, CMC
Janice LaVore-Fletcher, PCC, CMC, As Founder and President of Christian Coach Institute, LLC, I have a passion for helping coaches become highly competent, confident, and fiercely courageous coaches. I want you to be well equipped to step out boldly and “be” and do the work you feel GOD is calling you to do.