Christian Life Coach Training and Certification

Coaching Agenda: Yours or Mine?

You have a new client who has asked you for coaching in overall health and  wellness.  You received the “Getting to Know You Packet” and Pre-Call Coaching Form back from the client, and you notice the client has rated their relationships as a 3 and health as a 5 on the initial health assessment that you administered as part of the “Getting to Know You” packet.  Mmm, are you surprised when you read the PBC (Person Being Coached) never mentions any desire to improve relationships?

The PBC is clear, and asks for coaching to help improve the overall health, specifically eat healthier foods and get regular exercise.  And, being the professional coach that you are, you understand the client sets the agenda, so you refrain from jumping in with the words, “but I think you need to look at your relationships”.

So, what does a masterful coach do?  A Masterful Coach remains non-judgmental and does  not jump to any conclusions nor attempt to “fix the problem.”  No, the masterful coach enters into the coaching conversation ready to “listen” to the PBC’s health situation and probe to determine “where is the client” now in this present moment?  What has prompted the client to seek coaching in this area?  What does “being healthy” mean to the client?  How does it tie into the client’s values? What is the reward of being healthy?  Why is this important?  Who else is impacted by this decision to be healthier?  Has the client felt healthy in the past, and if so when?   How might the low rating of 3 in the area of relationships and the low rating of 5 in health be related?

And you trust the coaching conversation to help the PBC, as you ask powerful questions and demonstrate active listening, exploring their current reality, and expanding the PBC to greater self-awareness.  Yes, the client sets the agenda. And the coach does the coaching.


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Janice LaVore-Fletcher, PCC, CMC
Janice LaVore-Fletcher, PCC, CMC, As Founder and President of Christian Coach Institute, LLC, I have a passion for helping coaches become highly competent, confident, and fiercely courageous coaches. I want you to be well equipped to step out boldly and “be” and do the work you feel GOD is calling you to do.