Category: Coaching Tools
Are you a coach who is looking for ways to make a bigger impact while adding another revenue stream? Most coaches offer a variety of one-on-one coaching packages at different price points in order to make their services available to more people. And, one of the offerings that is growing in popularity is “Group Coaching”. If you haven’t added group coaching to your coaching business yet, maybe it’s time to consider the win/win for your clients and for you. Read More ›
As a visual and kinesthetic learner, I’ve used “creative note taking”, or Mind Mapping, for years where I use color and pictures and themes to help me see how ideas are linked in course design work, giving presentations and lectures, taking notes, or brainstorming ideas. It is also a great tool in coaching to open things up, see patterns and themes emerge, as well as gain new perspectives and new insights. Read More ›
What can you do to work through the conflict when each of the 4 personality profiles have different “motivators”? “Get it done” or “Get recognized”, “Get harmony” or finally “Get it Right”? When we seek first to understand our own behavior, and how we react in stressful situations and how we respond to conflict, then we can begin to appreciate the differences in others, and adapt our behavior to create more open and respectful communication. Read More ›
How do you coach your clients to live in their “sweet spot?”
At Christian Coach Institute, we train our coaches on how to help clients understand, and embrace their personality traits, life and career experiences, talents and strengths, spiritual gifts and core values. The convergence of all of these is your client’s “sweet spot.” And then we train you on how to help your clients “live” in their sweet spot. Curious to learn more about your own “sweet spot”? Read More ›